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Business Actress

Corporate Actress, Role player, Business Actress – there are many terms for what I do: I use my skills as an actress for companies. On stage in front of a broad audience or one-on-one  in conversation with employees or managers in a smaller setting.


After graduating from drama school in 2000, I was cast for the newly founded corporate theater vitaminT, and since then I have been working as a freelance actress for various companies in a wide range of industries (including banks, IT, NGOs, technology, aviation).


I know professional life not only as an actress, though: I am a trained forwarding agent with professional experience in a leading position. I also had many smaller jobs and studied two terms of business administration. This combination, along with my natural tendency to improvise and interact, my passion for communicating with people in different languages, my joy in embodying different types of personalities and immersing myself in real emotions, my curiosity about life and my life experience, all of this makes me a skilled and capable role player.

Erfahrungen als Business Actress

Andere Berufserfahrungen und Ausbildungen bis 2000:


  • Direktvertrieb Lexika (Straßenverkauf) Arnkrone Verlag, Norwegen

  • Sekretärin Reederei Tschudi&Eitzen, Oslo

  • Studium BWL, 2 Semester, FH München

  • Promoterin von Werbeprodukten für Stein Promotions

  • Ausbildung Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin Französisch, Nebensprache Italienisch, SDI München

  • Sekretärin Zeitarbeitsfirmen ADIA und Kern

  • Weiterbildung „Français des Affaires“ an der IHK und Sorbonne, Paris

  • Lehre Speditionskauffrau bei Hamann International, München

  • Abteilungsleiterin für Luft-und Seefracht, Spedicam München

  • Selbständige Plakatkleberin auf Werbeflächen

  • Bedienung in diversen Cafés und Gaststätten


Ab 2000:


  • Moderation und Begleitung von Bus-Rundfahrten am Flughafen Frankfurt

  • Flugzeugkurierin von Knochenmark für Ontime Courier

  • Führung von Stadtrundgängen in München für Eat the World

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